
REG presents a new Study “Population size estimate and needs assessment for HIV, humanitarian, and psychosocial services for People living with HIV and Key Populations among Ukrainian refugees in six receiving countries: Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Germany”

The study aims to assess the number of people living with HIV and KP among refugees from Ukraine residing in six European countries (Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia and Romania) and to identify their needs and barriers in accessing HIV and related services. The study is intended to provide insights into challenges faced by refugees

25th International AIDS Conference: Put People First!

The Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health (REG) took part in the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany, on 22-26 July 2024. With the participation of the REG, several sessions and public discussions were organized on topics related to the health of migrants in different countries and access to health services, in particular,

A meeting in Dushanbe to adjust a mechanism of remote registration and provision of HIV treatment for Tajikistan citizens who are in migration  

On March 26, 2024 REG and Republic AIDS Centre of Tajikistan held a Round Table in Dushanbe, Tajikistan to discuss adjusting the provision of HIV services to citizens in migration: both in countries of origin and countries of destinations. Dr.  Alijon Soliyev, Deputy Director of Republic AIDS Centre updated participants with up-to-date information on implementation

A Round Table in Almaty on migration and health

On March 19-20, 2024 the Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health and the Central Asian Association of People living with HIV held a Round Table “Migration and Health: ensuring migrants’ access to HIV prevention and treatment services in Kazakhstan”. Participants gathered to share experience of organizing access to HIV-related services for international migrants as

Well-being of Ukrainian refugees requiring HIV and TB care

The seminar “Well-being of Ukrainian refugees requiring HIV and TB care: collecting and interpreting evidence to advance a robust migration and health policy in the European region” will focus on the discussion of the health of Ukrainian refugees and their access to HIV and tuberculosis services in host countries. It will take place at the

REG continues a dialog with Georgian public health expert to ensure HIV services to people on the move 

On January 30, 2024 the Regional Expert Group in Migration and Health held a Round table “Forced migrants living with HIV: social, psychological and medical aspects of adaptation in Georgia” in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Round table was held within the framework of the “Bridge of Help” project with support from Aidsfonds & ECOM. Representatives of international organizations, health