REG presents a new study: Situation and Economic Analysis on Migration and HIV Services in Azerbaijan:

Labor migration is associated with huge economic and social opportunities for the migrants. However, one area of particular concern is the growing vulnerability of migrants to HIV/TB and their lack of access to HIV/TB prevention, testing and treatment information. Migrants with HIV and TB are particularly vulnerable to discrimination and other negative factors that affect their physical and psychological well-being, as they live in conditions of legal uncertainty that deprives them of the opportunity to claim their right to health. Considering the restrictions in receiving countries on access to HIV/TB services, it was important to determine whether citizens of Azerbaijan who have returned from migration face barriers in accessing HIV treatment.

The Study project aimed to gain an understanding of the legal and institutional barriers to receive HIV/TB care and treatment the citizens of Azerbaijan face when they return home from migration. Also, along with the legal and institutional barriers, understanding of the socio-cultural barriers to receive HIV/TB care and treatment the citizens of the foreign countries when they come to Azerbaijan as a migrant. The Study is finalyzed with recommendations on ensuring access to HIV services for people on the move.

The publication is available in ENG and in Azeri.