On 18-19 June, 2021 a Strategic Planning meeting of the Regional Expert Group was held. The event gathered members of the Executive committee, Advisory Board as well close external partners – researchers, and representatives of NGO and government organizations: Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Russia, Russian Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights and Human Well-Being, Russian Research Institute for Organization of Public Health and Healthcare Management, Saint-Petersburg AIDS Centre, UNAIDS, .V.A. Association, Saint Petersburg, Steps Foundation, Moscow, “You are not alone” Regional Fund, Voronezh.
The aim of the meeting was to present the accomplishments of REG, assess the effectiveness of the governing structure of REG, as well as to outline REG’s program priorities for the upcoming two years.
During the meeting, experts identified key barriers in access to health services that migrants face at the three levels: while they interact with service NGOs, with the state and on the transnational level. Participants suggested ways to overcome the barriers. Based on these recommendations, REG program strategy was defined. A special section was devoted to identifying future research priorities for REG.